Business and Commercial Law
How can we help you?
Lawyers specialized in Commercial and Corporate Law in Castellón.
Bravo Abogados es un despacho de referencia en el ámbito mercantil y societario en Castellón de la Plana. Nuestro equipo experto analiza cada caso con un enfoque integral, considerando todas las variables legales y comerciales. Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer soluciones personalizadas que respondan a las necesidades específicas de cada cliente, ya sea en la creación de empresas, reestructuraciones o conflictos societarios. Con un profundo conocimiento de la legislación mercantil y societaria, nos aseguramos de proporcionar asesoramiento eficaz y adaptado a cada situación empresarial.
Business solutions and commercial relationships
Specialized assistance in Commercial and Corporate Law
✔ Calls for General Meeting and capital modifications
We ensure that the General Meeting call complies with all current regulations, and we manage capital increases, either through the creation of new shares or the modification of the value of existing ones, to financially strengthen the company.
✔ Commercial Contracts and Business Financing
We offer advice on the preparation of commercial contracts that protect the interests of our clients in each transaction. In addition, we negotiate with financial entities to obtain the best conditions for the growth of the company.
✔ Mergers, Spin-offs and Restructuring
We accompany companies in merger and spin-off processes, ensuring comprehensive advice to facilitate negotiations between partners and carry out business restructuring effectively.
“Freedom is the right to do what the law allows.”
Comprehensive Support for Companies
Legal protection at every stage of your business
Statuary adaptation and modification
We provide assistance in the adaptation of the bylaws, ensuring that the modifications reflect regulatory changes and business decisions, always guaranteeing legal compliance.
✔ Negotiation with financial entities
We negotiate with financial entities to ensure the best financing conditions, adapted to the specific needs of each client and focused on business growth.
dissolution and liquidation of companies
We offer comprehensive advice on the dissolution and liquidation of companies, guaranteeing an orderly process in accordance with current regulations.
Challenge of social agreements and separation and exclusion of partners
We advise on challenging social agreements that violate the law or the statutes, and on processes of separation or exclusion of partners, ensuring a quick and effective resolution.
Action plan
Know your rights
Nos encargamos de guiarte a través de cada paso en el proceso mercantil, asegurando que conozcas tus derechos y las estrategias más adecuadas para alcanzar el mejor resultado posible.
Desde la planificación hasta la ejecución, nuestro equipo está contigo en cada fase. Es fundamental que entiendas los derechos que te asisten y cómo proteger tus intereses en cada decisión que tomes
One step ahead
Detailed study of your situation to build a solid strategy.
Building your case
Unique action plan design adjusted to your specific needs.
effective execution
Implementation of actions necessary to achieve the stated objectives.
Tu aliado legal a lo largo del proceso Mercantil
Our dedication and experience guarantee us to be able to offer you a comprehensive and totally personalized service.
You are not alone
Nuestros servicios profesionales en Derecho Mercantil incluyen:
We offer personalized legal solutions, designed to protect your interests and guarantee an optimal result in each case. Trust our experience to face any legal challenge.